ne avevate già sentito parlare? sono curioso di acpire se l’invito della federazione a partecipare e diffondere l’indagine è stata diffusa oppure è rimasto inascoltato
A leggere i comunicati ufficiali (e parlo di quelli USGA e R&A) ci sono state 56000 risposte:
During the summer of 2017, market research was conducted to solicit the views of golfers and golf club administrators regarding WHS proposals. Using the services of two independent research agencies and with the help of National Associations, an online survey was circulated extensively in 15 countries and received a remarkable 52,000 responses over a two-month period.
The survey found that 76% of respondents were supportive of the principle of a World Handicap System, with only 2% opposed. The fact that there is already a uniform set of Rules governing how the game is played, the equipment used and to protect amateur status resonated with people and, for the vast majority, it made sense that there should also be a uniform set of Rules of Handicapping.